Prize-Winning Old-Time Recipes as Entered in the Monarch Flour Contest


Prize-Winning Old-Time Recipes as Entered in the Monarch Flour Contest


Maple Leaf Milling Company Limited


[Toronto ?] : Maple Leaf Milling Company Limited




Albert H. Calder Collection of Culinary Ephemera


Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario Canada.


XM1 MS A166 Box 1, File 46


JPEGs and PDF derived from master file, which was scanned from the original book in 24-bit color at 600 dpi in TIFF format using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner.


This work may be protected by Canadian copyright law and is provided for educational and research purposes only. Permission by the copyright owner may be required for any use that is not permitted by law. The University of Guelph does not own the copyright in these materials. If you believe you are the rights holder and object to the University of Guelph's use of this work, please contact Archival & Special Collections (


Cover: Prize-Winning Old-Time Recipes [Image of old stove] As Entered in the Monarch Flour Contest
THE 24 prize winning recipes presented in<br />
w this booklet were selected from many<br />
thousands submitted in the Monarch<br />
Flour “Old Time Recipe” Contest — open only to<br />
Ontario.<br />
The final judging was done by a board of five<br />
outstanding independent Home Economists whose<br />
only interest was to give to Canadian housewives<br />
treasured recipes of past generations brought upto-date by accurate measurements, correct oven<br />
temperatures and cooking times and taking full<br />
advantage of present day methods and equipment.<br />
I am sure that you will enjoy trying out these unusual recipes and that many of them will become<br />
favorites with your family and friends. Signature: Anna Lee Scott
First Prize: Meat and Cheese Pastries [Recipe]
Second Prize: Black Currant Cup Pudding [Recipe]
Third Prize: Onion Shortcake [Recipe]
Finalists Prizes: Grandmother's Molasses Sponge Cake [Recipe} and Special Company Pie [Recipe]
Apricot Cake [Recipe]<br />
Bacon Petals [Recipe]
Great-Aunt Susannah's Scrunchies [Recipe] and Plantation Breakfast Cake [Recipe]
Old Dutch Breakfast Gingerbread [Recipe], Pumpkin Cake [Recipe], Danish Cookies [Recipe]
Consolation Prize Winners: Roly-Poly Pudding [recipe], Cherry Mince Pie [recipe]
Strawberry Walnut Whipped Cream Cake [recipe], Fig Cake [recipe]
White Christmas Cake [recipe], Perishki [recipe]
Arabian Date Cake [recipe], Crumbly Crust Pudding [recipe]
Honey Delights [recipe], Chocolate Cake [recipe]
European Apple Cake [recipe], Cherry Bread [recipe]
Image printed in red of a bag of Monarch Flour with caption "Now! Its Vitamin Enriched"


Maple Leaf Milling Company Limited, “Prize-Winning Old-Time Recipes as Entered in the Monarch Flour Contest,” What Canada Ate, accessed March 4, 2025,
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