The housewife's year book of health and homemaking, 1937 : being, until July 4th, the 161st year of American independence and containing a calendar for the year with important historical events ; astronomical data and sun and moon rise and set times ; weather forecast ; valuable advice on food and its relation to health ; new recipes ; meal planning ; housekeeping ; seed information ; livestock remedies ; weights and measures ; home entertainment ; first aid ; and much other useful information.
The housewife's year book of health and homemaking, 1937 : being, until July 4th, the 161st year of American independence and containing a calendar for the year with important historical events ; astronomical data and sun and moon rise and set times ; weather forecast ; valuable advice on food and its relation to health ; new recipes ; meal planning ; housekeeping ; seed information ; livestock remedies ; weights and measures ; home entertainment ; first aid ; and much other useful information.
Kellogg Company (London, Ont.)
London, Ont. : Kellogg Company
36 pages
20.5 cm
Gift of Gary Draper
Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario Canada.
JPEGs and PDF derived from master file, which was scanned from the original book in 24-bit color at 600 dpi in TIFF format using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner.
Is Referenced By
Elizabeth Driver : Culinary Landmarks O918.1.
Cooking, Canadian
High-fiber diet--Recipes
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Kellogg Company (London, Ont.), “The housewife's year book of health and homemaking, 1937 : being, until July 4th, the 161st year of American independence and containing a calendar for the year with important historical events ; astronomical data and sun and moon rise and set times ; weather forecast ; valuable advice on food and its relation to health ; new recipes ; meal planning ; housekeeping ; seed information ; livestock remedies ; weights and measures ; home entertainment ; first aid ; and much other useful information.,” What Canada Ate, accessed March 4, 2025,