Did You Know?

An old technique used to kill wolves was to dip a sharp knife into animal blood (usually rabbit or seal) and the wolf would lick it to death. It is the last tip shared in Buckskin Cookery. This was a technique commonly used by the Inuit people who would dip a knife in blood and then let it freeze and then dip it again until the knife was covered in a layer of frozen blood. They would then place the knife in the middle of a lake and wait for a wolf to find it. The wolf, entranced by its desire for blood, would start to lick the frozen blood. Their tongue would freeze and go numb by the time they got to the blade, so they would not feel their tongue getting cut, and the wolf would then bleed out. Though gruesome, this was a very efficient technique in a wolf hunt, especially because wolves were a very dangerous animal to trap.

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