Meet the Author
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 322 was established in Ajax in 1942. In 1946, the wives of some of the male Legion members received a Charter to create their own organization, which became known as the Canadian Legion Branch 322 Ladies Auxiliary. The group was initially populated by nineteen women and, over time, the membership grew. At the time of the book's publication, the Auxiliary, under the leadership of President Mrs. F. Hayes, had grown to seventy-eight members. All members were related in some way to a Canadian veteran.
The Auxiliary looked after fundraising events for the Ajax branch of the Royal Canadian legion. Bingos, bazaars, and rummage sales were popular, as well as catering special events. Members also performed various kinds of charitable work in the community, and faced their share of challenges over the years, including the Legion's halls being destroyed by fire.
The Ladies' Auxiliary also offered women the opportunity to socialize and have fun. Members participated in various sports leagues, played card games, and held social evenings. Meetings were held every second Wednesday beginning at 8:00pm.
Favourite Housekeeping Tips and Tricks was the first cookbook created by the Ajax Branch and in 1950 was published by Gateway Publishing Co. in Winnipeg, Manitoba.