Recipe Cards
In the first sentence for this recipe for "Breakfast Rolls," it is stated that the cook should start working on the recipe at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, instead of letting the dish rest for a certain number of hours. The recipe creates a good-sized batch of rolls. It states that you need 1 quart of flour, which is equivalent to 4 cups of flour. The other ingredients include sugar, salt, lard, and butter. Yeast is also required and the recipe indicates a yeast cake should be used. Yeast cakes were a block of yeast that were easier to store and use for multiple recipes. After all of the ingredients have been added for the Breakfast Rolls, the dough needs to rest until 9 o’clock. In the recipe, the cook is instructed to "let stand in pans till very light," which means the rolls should stay in the pans until fluffy. Then, the rolls are to be baked in a quick oven; no temperature is given. This suggests that the cook is well-versed in the meaning of "quick oven."
The "Salmon Croquettes" recipe is unique in that it is only two lines of text. It is a very simple recipe, perfect for a quick dinner or if you need to bring something fast and easy to a pot luck or dinner with friends. Unlike the Breakfast Rolls, this recipe does provide the reader with specific instructions and directions. All of the ingredients need to be mixed together and then formed into patties. The patties should then be fried in some butter (though it is not specified how much butter). Salmon Croquettes appears to be a simple and fast dish that can be whipped up with little effort.