Recipe Cards
Chicken Salad is a recipe that is still quite popular today and offers a nice balance of protein and vegetables in one dish. The recipe notes that the star ingredient, chicken, should be cooked and then once cold, the white meat is to be picked off the bones. Add to the chicken some salt, celery, and a mild mayonnaise dressing. It does not state how the Chicken Salad should be eaten or how many servings it makes. It is also not clear how much chicken should be prepared. The lack of instructions suggests that cooks would already have this knowledge or should simply use whatever ingredients they have on hand. The image provided below the recipe seems to suggest that a dinner party may be the optimal occasion to serve the salad.
Potato and Egg Salad is another popular salad that is still eaten today and is also a very simple recipe to prepare. All that is needed is potatoes, cabbage, celery, some minced pickles, parsley, and one hard-boiled egg. The ingredients would then be served with a "boiled dressing." All of these ingredients would have been easy for most women to acquire and were affordable. The dish is also composed of ingredients that were thought to have important nutritional properties at the time. Similar to the Chicken Salad recipe, this recipe lacks specific instructions and assumes that the reader knows what a "boiled dressing" is and how much of it should accompany the salad. The image below the recipe suggests, similar to the Chicken Salad, that Potato and Egg Salad is a dish suitable for entertaining and reinforces the importance of social dining in the 1920s.