Recipe Cards


This recipe for Roast Turkey calls for simple ingredients that would have been easy to acquire and found in most households, including a turkey, butter, chopped onion, bread crumbs, salt, paprika, sage, parsley, and flour. In Canada, Thanksgiving became a recognized holiday in 1879 and although turkey was not a popular choice initially, it eventually became a Thanksgiving staple in the later 19th century. The instructions are easy to follow as the recipe requires the Super Health Roaster for cooking. Although not mentioned in the ingredients section, the recipe does call for bacon fat to sear the turkey. The main cooking method involved in this recipe is roasting, which was a simple and traditional way of cooking turkey. Interestingly, the recipe notes to "open vent" for the last half hour of cooking, which presumably refers to a vent in the roasting pan. Today, the Super Health Roaster is no longer available, but any modern roasting pan could probably be used in its place. 


This appears to be a somewhat classic recipe for Vanilla Cake and utilizes ingredients that would have been considered commonplace at the time, including butter, sugar, eggs, milk, flour, vanilla, and baking powder. The specific cookware required for this recipe is the Super Health Double Fry pan. Interestingly, the cake is actually referred to as "Super Health 26 Minute Cake," which is a nod to the company's cookware and its efficiency in the kitchen. The recipe itself does not appear any more healthy than a typical vanilla cake. Based on the instructions provided, the cook would need to keep a careful eye on the cake during the cooking process due to how the Super Health Double Fry pan works. 

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