The Health of Your Family Depends Entirely Upon You was composed and published by the Super Health Aluminum Co. Limited. The company was based in Toronto and produced this thirty-two page cookbook in 1935. The primary focus of the book is to promote healthy cooking and the Super Health Waterless Cookware which is used in all of the recipes provided. The cookbook endorses the technique of waterless cooking and provides the various benefits of it, including health, cost efficiency, and convenience. According to the book, waterless cooking involves preparing foods such as fruits, meats, and vegetables at very low temperatures with little or no water. The cookbook really encourages readers to participate in the waterless cooking trend as boiling foods can strip them of their vitamin and mineral content. Although the cookbook is clearly targeting women, as evidenced by the image of the woman serving food on the front cover, the recipes and techniques were simply enough that they could be replicated by anyone. There is a wide range of recipes included, from drinks to dinner and desserts, most of which are made with simple, affordable, and accessible ingredients such as eggs, rice, milk, flour, and sugar. The cookbook does not include any images of the recipes, but there are illustrations of the various pots, pans, and appliances that should be used.