Recipe Cards


This recipe for Chocolate Bread Pudding is quite straightforward with its ingredients and instructions, as well as being clear and concise. The ingredients required for this recipe would have been fairly standard items kept in the pantry. It is also frugal in that it makes use of stale bread, allowing the cook to stretch their budget and not waste food. Notably absent is a temperature for baking the Chocolate Bread Pudding. It seems that this recipe would not have been for a crowd and, instead, would have satisfied a small family or a couple based on the fact that only two cups of cubed bread are needed. One of the most important ingredients, of course, is four cups of "scalded skim-milk," which supports the book's purpose of encouraging the use of skim milk in all manner of cooking. 


This recipe for Corn a la Southern would have been ideal for a social gathering or family dinner because it could be prepared in advance and served at the time of the event or meal. This recipe has very few ingredients and they all would have been attainable at the time. The instructions for the recipe are extremely clear and quite simple. Throughout the cookbook, the recipes, including Corn a la Southern, neglect to include information about the number of servings or the size of the baking dish to be used. It seems that the cook should simply know based on their previous knowledge of cookery. Like the Chocolate Bread Pudding, this recipe also doesn't include information about what temperature to bake the dish at, and notes to use two cups of skim milk as the dairy base for the dish.

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