Meet The Author
Since publishing “A Chicken in Every Pot” in 1973, Sheilah Kaufman has continued her culinary work as a historian, lecturer and cookbook author. She is most renowned for her 2010 collaboration with Nur Ilkin, “The Turkish Cookbook”; it has received several awards, including selection as a “Top Cookbook of the Year” by The Washington Post. In addition, this book has been praised by the Turkish community for its authenticity, amongst commendation from others in the culinary world. Kaufman often incorporates Jewish culture in her recipes, especially in her 2002 publication “Sephardic Israeli Cuisine: A Mediterranean Mosaic”. Within this book, she also explains historical Jewish culture and the advent of many holiday meal traditions. Therefore, this incorporation of Jewish cuisine in many of Kaufman’s books may hold the story as to how “A Chicken in Every Pot” was part of Norene Gilletz’s culinary collection.
There is limited information regarding Ginnie Manuel, other than the knowledge she co-wrote several cookbooks for Gourmet Series with Kaufman. Along with “A Chicken in Every Pot”, these books include “Kosher French Cuisine Plus”, “A Sweet Tooth” and “A Taste of Mexico”, demonstrating a vast range of expertise and interests.