

The book Marry Ellen’s Best of Helpful Kitchen Hints was first published in August of 1980 in the United States of America. The book contains a plethora of unique and unusual instructions varying from how to clean woodwork using cold tea, to using white bread to conceal the taste of burnt rice. There are 13 distinct chapters, each offering specific instructions to help the reader find easy solutions to a variety of household activities. Accompanying the book’s primary information text are numerous cartoon images that offer a sense of humour to the reader; such images appear after and before relevant instructions. When reading the book, one is struck with a sense of humour and excitement. The odd but seemingly effective hints accompanied by the cartoon images making light of the normally tedious household and kitchen chores provide a sense of ease that such activities can be done in a short and possibly enjoyable manner. The book is non-gendered, both men and women are depicted in the cartoon images fulfilling the listed instructions; there is no explicit reference to either gender within the text. The book is short and concise with little added commentary besides the initial introduction segment, this characteristic compliments the overarching theme of the book, being a useful yet simple kitchen and household aid book.

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